Why choose NutriBaby ?
We represent European quality
The NutriBaby range is produced only in Poland, in the heart of the European Union. We use only EU-origin ingredients, purchased only at trusted sources. All the ingredients, including milk, are carefully tested at our laboratories before using them for production.
Produced from fresh milk
Milk and whey, the core ingredients which we use, are always fresh. We blend them together in appropriate proportion, add other required ingredients and only then spray dry into the powder form. Afterwards we add only auxiliary ingredients, which are not suited for high-temperature processing.
Our experience
We have been supplying generations of children with our formulas.
No one would like to give their most precious baby into the hands of an unexperienced stranger. When choosing NutriBaby range, parents can are assured that through our years-long experience and wide, global presence, we know exactly what new-borns need and we supply them exactly this.
NutriBaby is always safe and nutritionally complete
NutriBaby presents The European quality and experience in the field of infant formula manufacturing
NutriBaby formula meets with all the need of infant and growing up babies including those who need therapeutic formulas.
We believe that a bright future depends on the safe and healthy growth of our children
Our future strategy:
Today, as one of the leading companies in the field of health, nutrition and wellness for our children, we continue to draw our strength from these principles and provide the consumer with high-level services and products.
Overcoming all difficulties and obstacles in an academic way to reach the sustainability of continuing to cover the markets with the NutriBaby milk formulas
Point of sale
Infants Beneficiary
Our Team
Check NutriBaby quality yourself
Through Geo-Poland's unique Quality Inspection System you can now verify the quality of the NutriBaby formula yourself! All you need to do is to read the batch number located at the bottom of the packaging (next to the production and expiry dates) and input it into our Quality Inspection System.
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نيوتري بيبي ترعى المؤتمر الحادي والعشرون لمشفى الأطفال.
شارك المكتب العلمي في المؤتمر السنوي لمشفى الأطفال الذي انعقد في مدرج العيادات لمشفى الأطفال
أطــفــالــكم أمــانــة فـي أعــنــاقــنــا
نيوتري بيبي تساهم في تأمين أكثر من 35 ألف عبوة حليب أطفال لأبنائنا المتضررين جراء الزلزال.